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Dermal Fillers & Lip Fillers Treatments in Brighton & Hove

When it comes to the topic of facial treatments, dermal fillers (aka. injectable fillers or natural fillers) are one of the most popular and effective options available.

Dermal fillers are a minimally invasive procedure that can be injected virtually in any part of your face to restore lost volume and enhance facial contours. 

Currently used dermal fillers are specifically designed to provide temporary support, and structure so that specific features such as the nose, chin or cheeks can be subtly enhanced without drastic surgery or implants. They can offer dramatic improvements in facial appearance while still maintaining a natural look.

Available in odNOVA ranges of dermal fillers target specific areas of the face, restoring elasticity and plumpness, therefore reducing signs of ageing, and restoring a youthful appearance. The appropriately tailored treatment plan can improve concerns many struggles with; looking tired, looking sad.​

Lip filler is a type of dermal filler specifically designed for lip enhancement. 

It is injected directly into the lip area to add volume, fullness, definition, and shape.

As with other types of dermal fillers, lip filler typically consists of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps absorb moisture and keep skin soft and hydrated.When injected into the lips, lip filler can provide instant results with minimal discomfort or downtime.

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are also reversible, so they can be adjusted or removed if needed. With proper care and maintenance, lip filler can last up to one year before needing to be re-injected.

To ensure safety and the best results, lip filler should only be administered by a qualified and experienced medical professional.

Contact our cosmetic clinic in Brighton if you have any questions about how dermal fillers may work for you and help you achieve the look you desire.

The intent provided on this website is strictly informative and serves to address the most frequent queries encountered concerning "dermal fillers"

I want to clarify that the purpose is not to promote or persuade individuals towards choosing this treatment but to educate on its aspects as part of my commitment to transparency.

What are hyaluronic acid (HA)
dermal fillers ?

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are a type of injectable treatments used to improve the appearance of ageing skin by diminishing fine lines and wrinkles and facial folds and by reinstating structure, framework, and volume to face and lips.

Fillers are commonly made of hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found in the body and helps keeping skin hydrated and plumped. When injected into areas of the face such as lips, nose, chin, temples, cheeks or hands they can add volume to help create a more youthful look.

By restoring physiological aging-related loss of hyaluronic acid or collagen in the skin, dermal fillers help creating a more youthful look without surgery or downtime.

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How do dermal fillers work ?

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers work by adding volume beneath the skin, which helps filling in the creases and furrows caused by ageing and lifestyle.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural sugar molecule that can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water. This makes it an effective moisturizing and volumizing agent.

When injected into the skin, hyaluronic acid attracts water molecules, increasing hydration overall and creating a cushiony effect that plumps up areas such as nasolabial folds and marionette lines. 

At the same time, dermal fillers help stimulate collagen production which further contributes to a more youthful-looking appearance.

Since hyaluronic acid is naturally present in the skin, there is virtually no risk of an allergic reaction when used as a cosmetic treatment. Hyaluronic acid fillers are considered safe and well tolerated by most patients. However, they should not be used if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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What are the benefits of dermal fillers ?

1. They provide natural-looking results - Dermal fillers are designed to give subtle, natural-looking results that can help improve facial appearance without looking artificial or overdone.

2. (almost) Immediate effects - Many dermal filler procedures provide almost immediate effects that last for several months, making them an ideal option for those who want to make quick changes in their appearance.

3. Non-invasive - Unlike certain surgical procedures, dermal fillers do not require incisions or general anesthesia, meaning they are relatively low-risk and can be performed in an clinic with minimal downtime.

4. Enhance facial contours - Dermal fillers can be used to fill in wrinkles, plump up thinning lips, and enhance facial contours such as the cheekbones or jawline.

5. Reviving lips - Both volume and definition can be added to the lips using dermal filler injections. This can help to create the desired pout.

6. Little to no pain - Many dermal filler procedures involve little to no pain; however, your practitioner may use a local anaesthetic for more sensitive areas of the face.

7. Long-lasting effects - Results from dermal filler treatments typically last for several months, depending on the type of filler used and area treated.

8. Get back to your daily activities quickly - Most clients can get back to their normal daily activities right away following a dermal filler treatment with no downtime required.

9. Cost-effective - Dermal fillers are typically more cost-effective than other types of cosmetic treatments, such as surgical procedures.

10. Versatile - Dermal fillers can be used to treat all parts of the face, including the forehead, cheeks, chin, lips and around the eyes. They can also be used to treat other areas of the body such as hands or neckline.

What are the different types of dermal fillers ? 

​- HA (hyaluronic acid) fillers: polysaccharide with hydrophilic properties making it achieve a good soft tissue augmentation level. The initial filling effect is related to the volume injected, which is followed by an indirect effect due to the activation of the fibroblasts. HA fillers remain in the tissue for 6-18 months, sometimes even longer, depending on the filler used. To expand the longevity of the product t is elaborated in a process called crosslinking. That process alters the viscosity of the gel.   

- Calcium hydroxyapatite: it is a temporary filler with longer effect duration than HA fillers.

It is composed of microspheres of synthetic hydroxyapatite. The injectable solution is water-based suspension in a carboxymethyl cellulose gel carrier. There is no need for pre-treatment skin test. This product, just like PLLA, is a skin collagen stimulator. Collagen production has been observed for 12 months following injection, and even longer. It is indicated for correcting moderate to severe wrinkles, as also maxillofacial defects. (Carpintero I., Candelas D.., Rodriguez R. 2010)


- Poly-L-lactic Acid is a semi-permanent injectable filler that gradually restores volume through collagen formation. It is used for the correction of facial loss fat pads which is associated with the antiretroviral therapy-induced lipoatrophy in HIV patients. It has also been approved for use in filling the nasolabial folds and other wrinkles of the face. Poly-L-lactic acid is made of microparticles of lyophilized alpha-hydroxy acid polymers. Once injected, the spheres iinduce an inflammatory response. The breaking down of the spheres into lactic acid, and then carbon dioxide and water, stimulates the formation of collagen type I. The duration of its effect is estimated to last from 12-24 months. (Sickles C., Nassereddin A., Gross G. (2022)

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What are the different types of dermal fillers ?

- Polycaprolactone (PCL) fillers: implant composed of PCL microspheres in a suspension media made of an aqueous carboxylmethyl cellulose carrier. It is biodegradable and there is no need for a pre-treatment skin test before use. It belongs to the collagen stimulator family and it degrades slower than PLLA. It is indicated for subdermal injections in the face for correction of facial wrinkles or any facial age-related conditions, and for hand rejuvenation. Because of its rheological properties there is no migration effect after placement in the tissue. (Christen M., Vercesi F.(2020))

- Liquid silicone is used off-label for cosmetic purposes. Its use is controversial because of the long-lasting complications that may occur. It produces a direct volumisation effect with a secondary induction of new collagen formation. The only FDA-approved liquid silicon is for use with the microdroplet technique. (Khetarpal S., Dover J. 2018) (AVOID AT ALL COST)

- Fat: Fat has been used for soft tissue augmentation since the 19th century. Fat transplantation can be performed on every area of the face with long-lasting results. If repeated injections are performed results may last for years. It is important to accurately select the harvesting area and to use appropriate preparation protocols. (Coleman K., Coleman W. 2018)

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How long do dermal fillers last ? 

It is important to note that results vary from person to person. 

Generally speaking, dermal fillers made with hyaluronic acid can last anywhere from 6 months up to 2 years depending on the product used and the area treated. 

The location of the filler may also affect how long it lasts.

Fillers injected into areas around the lips and eyes tend to break down more quickly, whereas those in other locations may last for a year or more. 


Health and lifestyle can also impact the longevity of dermal fillers. Factors like smoking, sun exposure, and hydration levels can all cause them to break down more quickly than normal.

Speak with your aesthetic practitioner about the best dermal filler options for a long-lasting and natural look.

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Are there any side effects of dermal effects ?

Dermal fillers are generally considered safe and effective when administered by an experienced aesthetic practitioner. However, like with any other cosmetic procedure, it is still possible to experience side effects following treatment.

Common side effects of dermal fillers include:

swelling, bruising, tenderness, redness and itching at the injection site. 


These side effects are usually temporary and should resolve within a few hours - days. 

Other rare but potential side effects can include infection, abscesses or skin discolouration. Rarely, an allergic reaction to the filler may occur, causing itching, rash or hives. 

In very rare cases, serious complications can arise from dermal filler injections such as blindness or strokes if injected incorrectly into certain facial areas near vital organs or blood vessels.

It is important to consult with a qualified aesthetic practitioner who is experienced in administering dermal fillers for maximum safety and effectiveness. 


With proper use, dermal fillers can give you beautiful and natural-looking results with minimal side effects.

note: HA can be broken down (dissolved) by an enzyme called hyaluronidase which breaks down any residual hyaluronic acid; reversing effectively the majority of side effects.

How much do dermal fillers cost ?

The cost of hyaluronic dermal fillers injections depends on a variety of factors, such as the type and brand of filler used, the area being treated and the experience of the injector.

Generally speaking, most treatments with hyaluronic acid-based fillers will range between £220 to £300 per 1 ml syringe.


Some brands may cost less or more than others depending on their quality and durability.


It is important to note that multiple syringes may be needed for larger areas or more dramatic results. It is also necessary to factor in additional costs for any post-treatment care or follow-up visits you may need.


When researching, it’s always best to compare prices and speak with a certified aesthetic practitioner to determine the most cost-effective option for you. Ultimately, the price of hyaluronic dermal fillers should not be the only factor taken into consideration when deciding if this is the right treatment for you. Instead, it is important to weigh all potential risks and benefits against any associated costs in order to make an informed decision. By doing your research and speaking to an aesthetic practitioner, you can ensure that you make the best decision for your needs. 

With the right care and consideration, you should be able to find a hyaluronic dermal filler treatment that is both effective and within your budget.

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How are dermal fillers administered ? 

Dermal fillers are typically administered via injections, which may be performed by an appropriately trained aesthetic practitioner.

The procedure is generally performed in the clinic and does not require anaesthesia, although topical numbing cream may be applied for additional comfort.

Dermal fillers are typically administered using a very fine needle or small cannula (blunt needle). 

During the injection, the filler is inserted beneath the skin surface, beneath the muscle or on top of the bone (at a variety of depths) and distributed evenly to add volume and definition to specific areas of the face. 

This minimally invasive procedure can be completed in just minutes. The effects of dermal fillers can usually be seen immediately after treatment but may take up to four weeks before optimal results are achieved. In addition, there is minimal downtime following dermal filler injections so patients can often return to their daily activities shortly afterwards. To maintain your desired look, repeated treatments are generally required every few months.

The human face has many intricate anatomical components which must be considered during any procedure involving injectable dermal fillers. Each patient's unique facial structure must be taken into account in order to ensure the appropriate placement and proportion of the filler product. This includes careful consideration of bony landmarks, soft tissue depths, vascular structures, musculature, and skin quality.Without prior knowledge or education in facial anatomy, an injector (aesthetic practitioner) can easily cause unintended side effects including vascular occlusion which leads to blindness or tissue loss.

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How are dermal fillers administered ? 

The administration of hyaluronic acid fillers is an art as much as it is a science, as it requires a thorough understanding of facial anatomy, ratios, and facial proportions.

These concepts are essential forachieving desired outcomes that enhance natural beauty.

It is not enough to simply inject product around the face; instead, the aesthetic practitioner needs to artfully place HA so that all features harmonize together while still maintaining a balance between each side of the face. Special attention should be paid to how one feature will affect another upon injection.

When used correctly by trained professionals with knowledge and skills in facial anatomy and aesthetics theory, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers can produce outstanding results with minimal risk for patients seeking subtle yet noticeable rejuvenation of their appearance without undergoing surgery or other more invasive procedures.

Aesthetic practitioners should have both theoretical knowledge of facial anatomy as well as hands-on experience before performing any type of injectable treatment on patients in order to reduce risk.

The Phi ratio is another important concept to consider when administering hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. Also referred to as the “golden ratio” or “divine proportion” this mathematical formula seeks to define beauty by measuring various ratios along the face. Common areas that benefit from treatment using Phi include the lips, cheeks, jawline and nose; each feature requires its own specific measurements in order to achieve optimal results. and maximize safety and satisfaction with results achieved from treatment with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers.

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What is the recovery time for dermal fillers ?

Mild side effects experienced may include:

temporary peeling, redness, flaking, and mild discomfort.

On the other hand, less common side effects can be more severe such as hyper or hypopigmentation, scarring, or burns in rare cases.

Risks can be minimized by following the recommended skin care regimen, use of post-treatment recovery kits (if being provided), informing the professional of any pre-existing or new skin problems, and being honest during consultations.

What is the recovery time for dermal fillers ?

The recovery time for dermal fillers depends on the type of filler used, as well as the area of treatment.


Commonly, you can expect some minor swelling and bruising that may last anywhere from one to seven days after injection.  There may also be numbness or tenderness in the injected region that can last up to several weeks.  Overall, most people are able to return to their normal activities without any delay; a maximum of two to three days in case of more complex treatments. However, it is important to speak with your aesthetic provider prior to treatment to get a better idea of the expected recovery time for dermal fillers.

In addition, patients should keep in mind that results from dermal filler treatments can vary and may not last as long as anticipated. Depending on the type of filler used and your body's metabolism, the area treated may need to be re-injected at some point in order to maintain optimal results. It is best to wait two weeks after treatment before assessing whether additional injections are needed. 

Patients should avoid any strenuous activity or sun exposure until all swelling has subsided completely.

Overall, with proper care and maintenance, dermal fillers can provide long-lasting results that look natural and help improve your appearance for many years to come. Talk to your aesthetic provider about the ideal recovery time and aftercare instructions specific to your treatment.

The safety and efficacy of dermal fillers depend on each individual patient, as well as the skill of the practitioner administering them. It is important to find an experienced provider who can assess your needs and provide guidance regarding the most suitable products for achieving desired outcomes. 

Additionally, it is essential to select a practitioner that adheres strictly to best practices in regard to sanitation and sterility when performing any type of injectable procedure. Making sure you are comfortable with their experience level before beginning any treatment is crucial.

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